30 Days of Art: Day 1

Yesterday, was the first day of my 30 day art challenge and I must admit I'm torn.  In one sense, I "failed" because I didn't sit down and complete an art project.  It was an incredibly busy day where I had to drive several hours away from home, spend time with my sweetie, and drive us all back up to my house.  So much of my time was spent traveling to-and-fro.  And since I did not get to sleep the night before until 5:30 am (working on this blog!) I didn't have much energy for art when I got back home.

But when I explore what I did do, I find that I did produce the effects of art in my life after all.  Here are the things that satiated my artist's soul yesterday:

  • I spent 20 minutes writing -- sitting uncomfortably in the back of my car on a hot, northern California day, I managed to write.  I've been "stuck" with this project for a long time, so any movement is vastly welcomed.  I don't have a completed story yet, but the germs of one has formed and I am happy.  Which brings me to another point:  I've been deep in the bowels of writers block for months now.  No stories played in my head, and nothing worth saving came from my pen or keyboard.  But suddenly, the floodgates have opened and stories are pouring out.  I consider that a huge artistic success.

  • I also created a gorgeous artistic meal for my sweetie in under 45 minutes.  It was a Quinoa work of art smothered in shrimp in tomato sauce and topped with Tilapia.  To round out the meal, I put together two veggie smoothies for us that were perfection in form and function.  I should have taken a pictures, but they went down quickly!
All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with the way things went.  Indeed, I did create art yesterday.


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