30 Days of Art: Day 2

The Crow

On the second day of the art challenge, I felt compelled to pull out paper and pencil to draw my newest obsession:  the crow.  I know that some consider the crow to be a "pest".  How ridiculous.  These birds are incredibly smart, and over the years they have developed ingenious means to feed themselves.  They use makeshift tools to pry out their food; or they will sometimes drop a a nut from just so up in the sky and wait for a passing vehicle to pop open the recalcitrant nut from its shell.  Even more wondrous, crows have been known to wait patiently at a curb with other pedestrians until a red light turns to green and they are free to walk across the road to pick up their bounty.  Incredible.

Here's to you crow!


ann I am said...

Ohhhh, I wish I could draw. I secretly like crows too. They are clever and beautiful, I think.

Marjorie Florestal said...

Thank you fellow crow lover! I feel like we need to start up a secret society of crow lovers :)

Barbara Hagerty said...

I love crows, and yours is especially beautiful! I can feel the softness of his feathers.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm off to spend some time in your Story Series section...

Barbara Hagerty said...

OK. I had to come back a second time to tell you that I loved your 3-part series on Rum! Especially after posting my own recipe with rum yesterday. Crows and rum! I love your blog!

Unknown said...

the crow looks beautiful, even though Im not a fan of the animals, they are a pest here in Australia, they are stunning to look at, as is yours, such talent to create that sort of look with pencils

xx Courtney
little raven ink

Marjorie Florestal said...

@Barbara Thank you for the kind words on my art as well as my writing. Can't wait to see what you've written on rum!

@Courtney It's high compliment indeed considering you are not fond of crows! Thanks so much for the kind words.

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