30 Days of Art: Day 3

I completed Mr. Crow today and loved the way he came out ( it's definitely a he -- look at that face!)  The more I look at crows, the more regal they become.  Those hefty muscles suggests they can take care of themselves, and there is something so all-knowing in their gaze that after a while I begin to believe all is well.

It is precisely because the crow has been able to take care of herself that she has gotten such a bad reputation.  As we destroy more and more of their natural habitat, crows are forced to live closer to humans in urban settings.  We get to see them in all their pesky glory as they forage for food in our garbage and eat the remains of others' kill.  They are scavengers to be sure, and like other versatile scavengers (like the cockroach -- yuck!) they are likely to be the last ones standing when the end comes.

I came across a poem by Mary Oliver, one of my favorite poets.  She too has a love affair of sorts with the crow:

The Crow
by Mary Oliver

From a single grain they have multiplied
When you look into the eyes of one
You have seen them all
At the edges of highways they pick at limp things
They are anything but refined

Or they fly over the corn
Like pellets of black fire.  Like overlords
Crow is a crow, you say. What else is there to say?

Drive down any road
Take a train or an airplane across the world
Leave your old life behind
Die and be born again--

Wherever you arrive, they'll be there first
Glossy and rowdy and indistinguishable
The deep muscle of the world.


Helen Campbell said...

Your drawing is wonderful! I quite like crows, they are very adaptable and beautiful.
I'm doing the 30 day challenge too, and will keep checking in to see what you're creating!

Barbara Hagerty said...

I love the way you've finished him! He's very strong and handsome!

Marjorie Florestal said...

Many thanks @Helen -- I enjoyed doing it. Your projects look great.

@Barbara, I feel like he's a crow who KNOWS he's strong and handsome! Talk about self assurance. Thanks for stopping by.

Will look forward to sharing our projects on this challenge.

Marjorie Florestal said...

@Barbara, I somehow found myself on your other and just LOVE it. What great and soulful work. I'm looking forward to diving in.

site http://www.artiphytheheart.typepad.com/artiphythesoul/

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