Visioning 2012

A friend of mine introduced me to the idea of laying down images--in the form of postcards mostly--to express where I am and what I am feeling at a particular time.  It works well when I just don't have a left-brain logical explanation for my feelings.  I like it because it is less time consuming than drawing my own image, but the ideas and inspiration that come out of the exercise are equally as powerful.

I did a visioning for 2012 using this method, and I found it compelling.  I don't try to analyze each individual image, but I do see some general themes.  I've identified in the images the everyday aspects of life--drinking coffee with a friend, lying sick in bed surrounded by family and working hard while carrying a heavy burden.  But these mundane tasks are enveloped by the spiritual and the divine--particularly the divine feminine.  The images are topped by a pink shrouded divine mother who rains down her blessings.  There is dancing and movement and music, all of which is done in a spirit of deep communion.  There is also fear and trepidation to be sure, but it is all grounded in the strength of powerful women and the transformative power of the snake.

Not a bad way to start the new year.  I look forward to the slow unfolding of 2012.


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